Mia’s Beautiful Ballet Shoot | Louisville Senior Photographer
Gabby “Senior” Portraits } Louisville Senior Photographer
Lauren “Senior” Portraits } Louisville Senior Photographer
Caroline “Senior” Portraits } Louisville Senior Photographer
I have known Caroline since she was just five years old, when we moved next door to her family in 2001. She was just entering kindergarten. I have had the honor of watching her grow up into a beautiful and sweet young lady. This year, Caroline will be graduating from Sacred Heart Academy and she will be going on to play soccer in college. I wish you all the best Caroline!
Caroline’s Jr Prom 2014 | Louisville Portrait Photographer
Kenzie’s Gorgeous Photo Shoot
Katie “Senior” Portraits } Louisville Senior Photographer
This is Katie and she is a Senior at South Oldham High School! After she graduates she will be attending Western Kentucky University, with hopes of becoming a neonatal nurse. Katie is so easy to be around, easy to talk to and right off the bat I felt like I’d known her for a long time. We shot at my favorite location, Anchorage Trail. It was a gorgeous day, with the high around 70 degrees! Of course, the ncxt day it snowed! Hopefully from here on out, the weather will get progressively warmer! It sure has been a long winter!
Erica “Senior” Portraits } Louisville Senior Photographer
Louisville Senior : Erica
Graduated from: North Oldham High School
Location: Paramont Farm
Erica is absolutely stunning. These were the first Senior Pictures I had every taken, and they remain some of my favorites! It was after taking these pictures that I knew for sure that I wanted to pursue my dream of becoming a photographer by trade. I feel like I learn from every photo shoot I do, and I believe I will never stop learning and growing.
Best Friend Photo Shoot | Louisville Senior Photographer
I had so much fun with this wonderful group of teen girls, from Louisville! It had been so cold out, and this was the first warm day in a very long time. The girls put on their sundresses, and were ready for their portraits. We drove around to the places I had been scouting out, all winter and I love the way the pictures turned out. Guess what. The very next day, it snowed.