I entered a Low Light Photography Challenge because I wanted to push myself and grow as a photographer. I joined a group of photographers that specialize in Senior Photography. Within this group are some amazing mentors, and they come up with monthly challenges for us, so that we can stretch ourselves and try things we have never done. This past month the theme was Shooting at Night. I had my amazing 2017 Senior Model, Katie Clutter, help me. We went down to Bardstown Road and on a Monday night and had tons of fun! We didn’t get home until after midnight, but it was so worth it! We won the contest. If you’d like to see a little more about our shoot, go to https://www.seniorsignite.com/featured-photographers/avery-plonski-try-something-different/. You will also see some other photographer’s work that is pretty amazing!
Hair and Makeup Artist: Ana Catalina Perez
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