Louisville Senior Kayla attends North Oldham High School. She is a Senior Model for me and we did a special photo shoot at Studio 821 located in Northern Kentucky!

Avery's Photography | Louisville Portrait Photographer
Portraits You Will Absolutely Adore!
Louisville Senior Kayla attends North Oldham High School. She is a Senior Model for me and we did a special photo shoot at Studio 821 located in Northern Kentucky!
Sydney is one of Avery’s Photography’s Class of 2019 Senior Models! We went to Studio 821 in Newport, Kentucky as a group and each Senior Model had a different themed shoot. For Sydney’s theme we decided to incorporate a unicorn balloon and Fruity Pebbles. Isn’t she absolutely adorable as she holds the balloon and throws Fruity Pebbles all over the place? Can’t you just see the joy on her face as she got to make as big a mess as she wanted, just like when she was a little kid? Could she be anymore precious?
Complete Joy!
Thank you Sydney for being an Amazing Senior Model! xoxo
Studio 821 is where Kayla, who is one of my Class of 2017 Senior Models had her special photo shoot! She just graduated from North Oldham High School, in Louisville, Ky. After graduation, she will be attending The University of Kentucky!
This past year with my Senior Models was so much more than just taking pretty pictures! It has and will continue to be about friendship, laughter and having fun, together. Furthermore, just because the school year has ended, that doesn’t mean the end. We will have many more fun shoots combined with lots of fun and laughter!
I just love our Class of 2018 Team Models! For our Spring Shoot, we took a little trip from Louisville to Newport, Kentucky and went to Studio 821. It is such a beautiful studio that is filled with stunning backdrops and natural light. We had each girl wear a brand new dress that was special ordered for them and we had their hair and makeup done by professional hair and makeup artists, right there on site at the studio. We have girls from different schools, who did not know each other, before they joined our team, but seeing the way they are all so nice to each other and help one another out is awesome! That is one thing that I have found, doing the Team Model Program for the past 4 years. The girls always become friends and we have so much fun together!
Hair and Makeup Artists: Andrea Ahl and Trevor Thompson